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Below is a manual list of Business Categories that contain Relevant websites for each category.

UK Business Lists

Ladies Wear - most companies with shops or online sales

Mens Wear - most companies with shops or online sales

Outdoor Wear - most companies with shops or online sales

Sports Wear - most companies with shops or online sales

Buy & Sell - such as Amazon, Ebay, Aliexpress and more

Car Sales - all cars sold in UK with Picture links

Electrical - shops or online sales for TVs, cookers more

Furniture - most companies with shops or online sales

Games - stores & online for Xbox, Nintendo Playstation more

Kitchens - most UK companies with shops or online sales

Mobile Phones - most companies with shops or online sales

Rugs - most companies that specialize in selling rugs

Broadband Providers - for home or business

Car Insurance - companies & compare websites

Energy Providers - big six & most smaller to compare

Loans - companies & compare websites for long term loans

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