Tiree WebsitesFerry - from Oban to terminal on Tiree, 4 hours travel Tiree Airport . Map - flights Tiree - Oban & Glasgow mainland isleoftiree.com - website for attractions, whats on, photos Sea Tours - number of scenic tours and fishing trips Wiki - Tiree - in depth history of the Isle of Tiree Walkhighlands - scenic coastal walks and hills up to 462ft BBC Tiree area Weather - 5 day weather forecast SportIsle of Tiree Sport - surf, bike, kayak, pony treck, more Vaul Golf Club . Map - 9 hole course on northeast of Island Annual EventsIsle of Tiree Half Marathon - usually in early May Tiree Music Festival - usually in mid July Isle of Tiree Marathon - usually in early Sept AccommodationScarinish Beach Hotel . Map - Scarinish with harbour views isleoftiree.com - B&Bs, Hostel, Self Catering, Camping See AlsoIsle of Coll that is only a short ferry trip away